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March 2025

Dear Friends,

“In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea, With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me.”-Julia Ward Howe The Battle Hymn of the Republic

The first Sunday of this month is The Transfiguration of Our Lord. This is a day that celebrates the divinity of the Lord Jesus being revealed in stark display to Peter, James and John and to every reader/hearer of this sacred text. The God incarnate was momentarily unveiled to appear as He truly appeared and for a moment the disciples were awestruck and extremely afraid. Moses and Elijah had appeared with Jesus yet when the disciples looked up they were gone and Jesus only remained. This lesson is a powerful one; apart from Jesus the Law and the Prophets cannot save. They can only point and foretell; Jesus only is the substance. Only through Christ’s atoning work can humans be saved. Jesus did not reveal Himself to us as He truly appears because we couldn’t handle that, so He came in flesh so that we could look upon Him without fear and even more that we could see Him and be saved. The Transfiguration shows us how deeply God wanted to save us. He would even come in flesh so that we wouldn’t be alienated by Him but rather that we would come to Him as one of us.

Jesus only. These words provide the theme of a sermon by Henrik Schartau the Awakener of Lund. Schartau powerfully uses the redundancy of these terms to hammer home his point. It is Jesus only, the Christ for all of fallen Adam’s race, who shows the true desire of the Father. His desire is to save, even if He must personally fulfill the requirements of His own regulation, even if He must pay the price in full for Adam’s transgression passed down through many generations, even if He must offer the atoning sacrifice and indeed be sacrificed, He will do it and indeed has. Schartau depicts this as a gigantic cross overshadowing the world promising redemption to all those who would come to God. It is Jesus only and no other, Jesus only minus all the vain imaginings of humans, Jesus only apart from even the most holy of religious constructs. It is Jesus only, He is the Son with whom the Father is fully satisfied. Hear Him.

Hear Him we shall and do whenever one dares to take up the Word and boldly declare the message of Jesus only. Yet this message always leads to incredible opposition. People may often choose to hear Jesus together with Moses and Elijah, Jesus together with the old regulation, Jesus interpreted by the Old Testament instead of the Jesus who fulfills the original covenant in totality and now provides a new and living way; a New Testament in His blood and no other, Jesus only who takes away the sin of the world. Still nothing else provides satisfaction to God and nothing else will ever do. It is Jesus only or nothing. There is therefore no other option but to proclaim Jesus only and so by God’s grace we will endeavor to do so and by God’s Spirit succeed. So that, as Julia Ward Howe indicated, we would all be transfigured in Him. All for Jesus only.

God’s Peace,
Jay Weidner


In memory of Anna Ojanpera Somero
From David Kangas

In memory of Melissa Dahlmeier Roeser
From Steve & Marilyn Dahlmeier

In memory of Peter Sandretto Sr.
From Donna Gustafson Flaherty

In memory of Vieno Stalo
From Donna Gustafson Flaherty

In memory of Edward J. Puumala
From James & Laurene Mattinen


We are very proud and excited for our “senior” students. Scott Seppala completed his studies this past December and has started serving as Pastor of the Eastwood Apostolic Lutheran Church in Negaunee, MI. For Michael Mattinen and Caleb Maunu, the spring semester will be their last one at the seminary. Beginning this summer, Michael will be doing an internship at Esko Apostolic Lutheran Church in Esko, MN and Caleb will be doing an internship at Eastside Apostolic Lutheran Church in Greer, SC. A graduation ceremony is planned for Sunday, May 18, 2025, at Zion Lutheran Church in Hancock, MI.

Other full-time students are Travis Fredrickson (Calumet, MI) and Tyler Johnson (Taylors, SC) along with part time students, Ken Helmes (Finland), Rev. Chad Kyler (West Falls, NY) and Ed Hulkonen Jr. (Nisula, MI). Gwen Fredrickson (Calumet, MI) and Cindy Koivu Bermudez (Alhambra, CA) are taking classes in our Deaconess Program.

Also, there are many participants in the Monday night class on the General Epistles and Hebrews which is offered in person or on Zoom. It’s not too late to join in. Please email if you are interested in doing so.

Please keep ALL our students in prayer!


THANK YOU to those who made contributions through Thrivent Financial Choice Dollars Program. The seminary received $1,935 in the calendar year 2024. For more information about Choice Dollars, visit or call 800-847-4836 or contact your local Thrivent Financial representative.



CHOICE DOLLARS DETAILS: Eligible clients with membership can recommend where Thrivent distributes some of its charitable grant funds. These recommendations are shared by directing Choice Dollars to enrolled nonprofit organizations, including churches.

Eligibility requirements: To be eligible to direct Choice Dollars as part of Thrivent Choice®, you must be a client with benefit membership. Individual eligibility is also based on at least one of the following:
• Having $750 or more in annual billed premiums of qualifying life and health insurance products.
• Having $20,000 or more in contract value of qualifying life insurance and annuity products.
Eligibility is determined monthly and reevaluated on an annual basis.
Minimum and maximum Choice Dollars designations: Eligible clients will be designated a minimum of 25 Choice Dollars and a maximum of 5,000 Choice Dollars per eligibility period (Jan. 1 to Dec. 31).
Choice Dollars expiration date: Choice Dollars designated during the calendar year can be directed until March 31 of the following year.

For more information about Choice Dollars, visit or call 800-847-4836 or contact your local Thrivent Financial representative.


The Inter-Lutheran Seminary has established an Endowment Fund through Thrivent Charitable Impact & InvestingTM (formerly InFaith Community Foundation). All earnings of the endowment will be used for the seminary’s needs thereby ensuring the continued existence of this funding source. This is the preferred method used by many non-profit entities, especially ongoing religiously focused organizations such as seminaries. To learn more about this organization, go to

We would love to grow our endowment into a major source of ongoing seminary support. Although the seminary still needs the financial ongoing regular contributions of our supporters, please consider the endowment fund for your planned giving needs. For more additional information, please contact Kirk Otto, Jr. at (715) 821-8574 or Cheryl Hendrickson at
(906) 482-3337.

Online giving is as easy as clicking the DONATE button on our website: Simply go to the How to Contribute tab and tap the yellow DONATE button to begin. There are options for credit and debit card donations and even the option to help the seminary cover the PayPal processing fee. (Note we are charged 1.99% + $.49/transaction fee). As always, we are thankful for your continued support!


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Inter-Lutheran Theological Seminary
James Weidner, President
P.O. Box 449
Hancock, MI 49930
Phone: 906-482-3337
FAX: 906-482-0694