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July 2024,

Dear Friends,

Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice. 5 Let your moderation be known unto all men.
The Lord is at hand. 6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. 8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. (Philippians 4:4-8 KJV)

It seems every time I hear or read the news my mind goes back to these verses penned by Paul almost 2,000 years ago. Our world apparently revels in the distasteful, the wicked and the impure. Likely it was no different in the time of Paul’s Rome, so he wrote to the Philippians instructions that would insulate them from the despicable things that would steal their security away and cause them to worry thus robbing them of their peace. It is significant then that he begins by telling them to be glad. As the children of God this is our right, we have the right to be glad. The world always wants to cause us to be troubled by focusing on its evils and so become discouraged. God wants us to focus on the finished work of His Son Jesus and be glad. This gladness leads directly to the next verse where the KJV uses the term moderation to translate a Greek word that means yielding, gentle, kind which in turn is derived from another Greek word meaning clemency, gentleness, graciousness. Paul says let your gentleness, your graciousness be known to all people. The joy that we have in this world will be found by showing the grace of God which we all have received in abundance to one another and to all people. Don Henley, an American songwriter once wrote; “We all need a little tenderness, how can love survive in such a graceless age?” Little did he know that Paul had already anticipated the question many years beforehand and provided the only solution; by the people of God manifesting the grace of God to all God’s offspring. This is how true love is shown, when it is selfless and full of grace, so the KJV often employs the term Charity to render the idea of love as opposed to a selfish or romantic desire. We are to do this because the Lord is near, indwelling us by His Spirit and directing us by His grace to live graciously. Knowing the grace of God allows us then to live without worry, we pray and know with assurance that God will provide all that we need when we ask in the name of Jesus (as representatives of His Son) and by God’s grace He gives us His peace which establishes us in heart and mind in Jesus the Christ. Therefore, we are to direct our thoughts to those things that keep us focused rightly; the pure and the lovely.

How Sweet the Name of Jesus sounds in a believer’s ear!
It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, and drives away his fear. – John Newton

Thank you for your continued support and the grace you show us always.

God’s Peace,
Jay Weidner


In memory of Janet Hietala
From Dennis Hietala

In memory of Carl Lamppa
From Pastor Ernest Bylkas III, Joy & family


Have you considered taking a class at the seminary but live out of the area? Our on-line capability through YouTube makes it possible.

This fall the following classes will begin on Wednesday, September 4th. The Monday night class at 7PM in Hancock would begin on September 9th. For more information or if you are interested in taking a class, contact the office at 906-482-3337 or email:

Daily Classes:
History of Christianity in America (3 credits) – A history of the spread of the church in the United States from its pilgrim beginnings to the present.

History of the Laestadian Movement and Apostolic Lutheranism (2 credits) – An investigation of the origin and impact of the Laestadian movement both in its native Finland and in the United States.

Anthropology & Christology (2 credits) – An investigation of what it means to be human, especially in light of the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Ministry to the Youth (1 credit) – A study of philosophies and methodologies involved in working with youth.

Joshua (1 credit) – A study of the Book of Joshua considering its historical and spiritual significance and its practical application in the contemporary world. The course is based on determining and evaluating the significant acts of God in this book.

Romans (2 credits) – Exegesis and interpretation of portions of the epistle emphasizing its doctrinal content and theology.

Samuel, Kings & Chronicles (2 credits) – a comparative study of the history of the nation of Israel as recorded in these accounts.

Corinthian Epistles (2 credits) – An exegetical study of Apostle Paul’s letters to the congregation in Corinth.

Gospel of Matthew (Monday night class-2 credits) – An analysis of the gospel of Matthew in the light of its similarity to Mark and Luke. Also, questions concerning the roots and priority of the Synoptic Gospels.


CHOICE DOLLARS DETAILS: Eligible clients with membership can recommend where Thrivent distributes some of its charitable grant funds. These recommendations are shared by directing Choice Dollars to enrolled nonprofit organizations, including churches.

Eligibility requirements: To be eligible to direct Choice Dollars as part of Thrivent Choice®, you must be a client with benefit membership. Individual eligibility is also based on at least one of the following:
• Having $750 or more in annual billed premiums of qualifying life and health insurance products.
• Having $20,000 or more in contract value of qualifying life insurance and annuity products.
Eligibility is determined monthly and reevaluated on an annual basis.
Minimum and maximum Choice Dollars designations: Eligible clients will be designated a minimum of 25 Choice Dollars and a maximum of 5,000 Choice Dollars per eligibility period (Jan. 1 to Dec. 31).
Choice Dollars expiration date: Choice Dollars designated during the calendar year can be directed until March 31 of the following year.

For more information about Choice Dollars, visit or call 800-847-4836 or contact your local Thrivent Financial representative.


The Inter-Lutheran Seminary has established an Endowment Fund through Thrivent Charitable Impact & InvestingTM (formerly InFaith Community Foundation). All earnings of the endowment will be used for the seminary’s needs thereby ensuring the continued existence of this funding source. This is the preferred method used by many non-profit entities, especially ongoing religiously focused organizations such as seminaries. To learn more about this organization, go to

We would love to grow our endowment into a major source of ongoing seminary support. Although the seminary still needs the financial ongoing regular contributions of our supporters, please consider the endowment fund for your planned giving needs. For more additional information, please contact Kirk Otto, Jr. at (715) 821-8574 or Cheryl Hendrickson at
(906) 482-3337.

Online giving is as easy as clicking the DONATE button on our website: Simply go to the How to Contribute tab and tap the yellow DONATE button to begin. There are options for credit and debit card donations and even the option to help the seminary cover the PayPal processing fee. (Note we are charged 1.99% + $.49/transaction fee). As always, we are thankful for your continued support!


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Inter-Lutheran Theological Seminary
James Weidner, President
P.O. Box 449
Hancock, MI 49930
Phone: 906-482-3337
FAX: 906-482-0694