Academic Information: Courses of Study
Systematic Theology

Introduction to Theological Thought    Prerequisite. 1 credit
An investigation of the basic philosophical principles employed in the study of theology together with an overview of the major teachings of the Christian faith.

Christian Dogmatics I.    3 credits
Lectures, readings and discussion of various Christian doctrines including an in-depth look at the prolegomena for doing any study of systematic theology.

Christian Dogmatics II.    3 credits
A continuation of Christian Dogmatics I focusing on lectures, readings and discussion of various Christian Doctrines.

Lutheran Confessions.    3 credits
An in-depth look at the three ecumenical creeds and the documents that make up the Book of Concord.

Christian Ethics.    3 credits
A study of the systems of ethical thought and an analysis of how the ethical dilemmas of humankind should be addressed by those who belong to Christ.

Churches, Sects and Isms.    3 credits
An overview of the teachings and practices of the most prevalent Christian denominations, sectarian groups and others.

Science and Christianity.    2 credits
Studies on the relationship between modern science and the Christian Faith, including various theories of origins.

Anthropology and Christology.    2 credits
An investigation of what it means to be human, especially in light of the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Eschatology.    2 credits
An analysis of the last things focusing on the debate surrounding current views of the subject and what the Scripture says regarding this controversial topic.

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Inter-Lutheran Theological Seminary
James Weidner, President
P.O. Box 449
Hancock, MI 49930
Phone: 906-482-3337
FAX: 906-482-0694